Mastodon State Historic Site

 Since moving to St. Louis a new hobby of mine has been finding new and exciting places in the surrounding counties to visit over the weekend. 

One of the first places I found was the Mastodon State Historic Site. This site is a local state park that was built where the Kimmswick Bone Bed was once located. Said bed was a prosperous archeological and paleontological dig site in the 1900s that provided both fossils of extinct animals and artifices from stone age civilizations. Unfortunately the bone bed has since "dried up" so to speak, which is why the location is now a state park. However, said park comes complete with a visitor center that houses a museum that both tells you about the park's history, but also has a display depicting what the local ecosystem was like at the time. Including a replica of a fully grown Mastodon skeleton.

Mastodon's being the slightly smaller cousin of the famous Woolly Mammoth. Although they were still probably bigger than modern day elephants.


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