As I mentioned before I have recently started a new job as an Environmental Program Analyst for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources office in St. Louis. I am specifically working for their Water Pollution Protection Unit. Which means that I am helping to insure that publicly owned water in the state remains safe and pollution free. A job that involves both inspecting waste water treatment plants and investigating environmental concerns reported to us by members of the general public.

This is my first real "career" job. And not just a temporary internship, seasonal position, or job that I'm just doing until I find one that I actually want.

This new position of mine has of course had its ups and downs. But so far I have very happy to have had this opportunity and all the new experiences it has provided me.

This map displays all of the Public Water Suppliers in the St. Louis region. While not exact, it does give a generally accurate display of all the places my new job can, and probably will, require me to visit at some point.

This second photo is of all the members of my office's Water Branch. Which includes both my unit, and the unit in charge of making sure public drinking water remains safe. We took this photo in June as part of MDNR employee appreciation month.


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