A Funny Comic

 Here is a video of a comic strip that I thought was pretty funny and wanted to share. The person who made the video also did voices for the characters so you can here them speak while also reading what they're saying.

For anyone who wants some context. This strip is from an online comic series called Lackadaisy. It's a Crime Drama/Comedy about bootleggers and gangsters in St. Louis during the prohibition. 

But instead of humans, the characters are all drawn as anthropomorphized cats to both make the series stand out more, and to make the characters appear more expressive.

The characters in this strip specifically are two of the comic's main characters. They're a duo of hit-men who work for one of the big crime bosses in the series. But they're the kind of team where their personalities bounce off of each other in such a way that makes them more comedic then anything else.


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