Some random stuff, Part 2

Here are some pictures I've had on my phone for a little while now but never got around to posting them on the blog.
I took all of these pictures while one of my supervisors was giving me a tour of a camp site near the Jurassic National Monument where I work.

The first picture is of a fossilized dinosaur foot print. The animal seems to have stepped in a puddle of mud during the Jurassic period that soon harden and then was buried, only to be exposed again in modern times by weather and erosion. Don't as what made the foot print exactly, no one can agree on a single answer.

The rest of these pictures are of paintings and carvings in the canyon walls that line both sides of the camp site. No one knows exactly who made this images, or what they mean, for they predate all of the Native American tribes who used to live in this area. Archeologists have even gone so far as to show these images to members of various tribes to see if they could interpret them, and they either straight up can't, or can only give vague interpretations that vary from person to person. However, many of these images are thought to have been made by carving into these walls of solid Sandstone with tools made from bone or antler, which would have been a very long and difficult process. So these weren't images that were made casually. Suggesting that they did indeed have a significant meaning to those who made them.



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