Look what I did today, Part 2

 So last Tuesday my advisor had me work on a little project where I drove to three different public areas that our under the management of the Bureau of Land Management to take pictures of said areas, as well as any notes that a felt were significant, basically all to monitor said areas to make sure that the public hadn't caused to much damage.

These areas were pretty isolated, to the point where I'm pretty sure I was the only person for several miles. But they were also very pretty, and I wanted to share some of the pictures I took here with you guys.

These first three are from an area called the Little Grand Canyon. Now I've never been to the actual Grand Canyon myself, but I can defiantly see why the place I visited was named after it.

This picture is from a camping area that is basically a long stretch of road squeezed between two walls of rock, with the occasional area for visitors to set up their camping supplies.

These last three are from a picnic area called Fossil Point. It was hands down the most isolated area I visited that day, as well as the most difficult to reach, had to drive on a stretch of "road" that was more suited for a 4-wheeler. But I made it. The name makes me think that fossils have been found in this area in the past, but I didn't see any. Although I did find a small collection of rocks laid out on the picnic table which made me think that some people had come to Fossil Point looking for fossils as well.


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