Arts and Crafts Electric Boogaloo

I've been helping at the Price Science Museum here in Utah for almost a month now, and during that time I learned that the museum has these little plaster models that they give out for free. A few weeks ago I got two of these plaster models that were based off of the claws of two different dinosaur species and painted them as a small arts and crafts project. Which I blogged about previously. Well earlier this week I got the other three plaster models they give out as a way to complete the collection, and to give myself another little arts and crafts project. Here are the three models after I finished painting them: This first model is based off of a number of dolls that archeologists have found in the area. These dolls were made by a tribe of Native Americans that used to live in this area, and some of them could apparently get very elaborate and detailed. The museum even displays some of the real things in their archeology section. This second model is based off of a fossilized Tr...