Today was my first day and I was given a tour of the Jurassic National Monument and the Cleveland Lloyd dinosaur quarry. Here are some of the things I saw.
I am only being rhetorical when I ask that. I know exactly what this is, a Tesla Cybertruck. Tesla's new line of electric cars that I guess are supposed to look flashy and futuristic. And while I may not be a car guy, even I can tell that if this design is supposed to be the future of cars, then the future truly is a dark and scary place. In all serious though. This was only my second time seeing a car like this in St. Louis. So they clearly are not catching on to much here in the mid-west. Although that does raise the question of if they are catching on more so in other parts of the country? And if so then where? Just so I know where I should avoid :)
As most of you probably now I started my first "Big Boy Job" this February as an Environmental Program Analyst for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in St. Louis. During my first few months at my new position my manager invited me to attend a 3-day MDNR conference which began the very last way I expected it to, with an opening speech by the mascot of the Kansas City Chiefs. A.K.A. KC Wolf. He told us some stories about himself, mostly regarding some memorable events that have happened to him over his career as a mascot. Including the time he almost died when we fell from a zip line down onto the seats of a stadium during a half-time show. He then allowed us to take photos with him, as well as pass out a signed poster and KC Wolf tokens as souvenirs. And before you ask, yes, I took both a poster and token as well.
As I mentioned before I have recently started a new job as an Environmental Program Analyst for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources office in St. Louis. I am specifically working for their Water Pollution Protection Unit. Which means that I am helping to insure that publicly owned water in the state remains safe and pollution free. A job that involves both inspecting waste water treatment plants and investigating environmental concerns reported to us by members of the general public. This is my first real "career" job. And not just a temporary internship, seasonal position, or job that I'm just doing until I find one that I actually want. This new position of mine has of course had its ups and downs. But so far I have very happy to have had this opportunity and all the new experiences it has provided me. This map displays all of the Public Water Suppliers in the St. Louis region. While not exact, it does give a generally accurate display of all the places my new...
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