What is That?
I am only being rhetorical when I ask that. I know exactly what this is, a Tesla Cybertruck. Tesla's new line of electric cars that I guess are supposed to look flashy and futuristic. And while I may not be a car guy, even I can tell that if this design is supposed to be the future of cars, then the future truly is a dark and scary place. In all serious though. This was only my second time seeing a car like this in St. Louis. So they clearly are not catching on to much here in the mid-west. Although that does raise the question of if they are catching on more so in other parts of the country? And if so then where? Just so I know where I should avoid :)
Hey Drew Man! I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your pictures. Looks like you are having an amazing experience. Way to go! So glad you are pursuing your dreams. We missed you at the family reunion 🤗