MTG Color Philosophy

This is just something fun I've had bouncing around in my head for a little while and I thought I might as well share it with you all. Magic the Gathering is a trading card game that I believe has been around since the 90s, and it is still one of the most popular trading card games around. And one of the reasons for MTG's extended popularity is one of its primary gimmicks, the color pie: The cards of MTG all belong to one or several of the "colors" shown as the above pie chart. In the game itself these colors all represent different play styles and strategies that a player can choose to focus on based on what works best for them. Now, I myself have played MTG very little, so the actual play style of each color isn't what interests me. What does interest me however is how these colors also represent different philosophies and ideologies that a player can also choose to favor based on their own personal philosophies. An individual could actually learn something abo...